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Common WooCommerce Issues and How to Fix Them

WooCommerce is the go-to plugin for creating an eCommerce store with WordPress. It’s flexible, user-friendly, and powers millions of websites. However, like any complex platform, WooCommerce can encounter issues that frustrate store owners and affect the customer experience. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most common WooCommerce issues and how you can resolve them to keep your store running smoothly.

1. Not Sending Emails WooCommerce Issues

WooCommerce transactional emails (order confirmations, payment receipts, etc.) are crucial for customer engagement. However, email delivery issues are one of the most frequent complaints from WooCommerce store owners.


  • Server misconfiguration or email server issues.
  • Conflicts with other plugins that manage emails.
  • Hosting provider blocking outbound emails.


  • Check WooCommerce Email Settings: Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails and ensure the correct email addresses are set.
  • Install SMTP Plugin: Use an SMTP plugin like WP Mail SMTP to configure and authenticate email sending via your mail server or a third-party service like Gmail, SendGrid, or Amazon SES.
  • Check Hosting Provider’s Email Restrictions: Some hosting providers may restrict email sending. Ensure your hosting provider allows outbound mail or use a dedicated email service.

2. Slow WooCommerce Store Performance

A slow online store can drive away customers and hurt SEO rankings. WooCommerce websites, especially with many products and plugins, can experience performance issues.


  • Unoptimized images or database.
  • Too many plugins.
  • Shared hosting limitations.


  • Optimize Images: Use image optimization plugins like Smush or Imagify to reduce the size of images without losing quality.
  • Leverage Caching: Install caching plugins such as W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache to reduce load times.
  • Upgrade Hosting: If you’re using shared hosting, consider upgrading to a dedicated or cloud-based solution for better performance.
  • Database Cleanup: Regularly clean up your WooCommerce database using plugins like WP-Optimize to remove unused data.

3. Payment Gateway Not Working

Payment gateway issues can lead to lost sales and unhappy customers, which can significantly impact your revenue.


  • Incorrect payment gateway configuration.
  • Outdated WooCommerce or payment gateway plugin.
  • Conflicts with other WooCommerce extensions.


  • Update WooCommerce and Payment Plugins: Ensure both WooCommerce and the payment gateway plugin are up-to-date.
  • Check Payment Settings: Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and verify the settings for your payment gateway.
  • Debug Mode: Enable debug mode in the payment gateway plugin to capture detailed error logs and resolve configuration issues.

4. Cart and Checkout Page Issues

Customers encountering issues on the cart or checkout pages can result in abandoned carts, harming conversion rates.


  • Theme or plugin conflicts.
  • Outdated WooCommerce templates.
  • Cache or session issues.


  • Update Your Theme: Ensure that your WooCommerce theme is compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce. Update any custom WooCommerce templates your theme uses.
  • Test for Plugin Conflicts: Deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and switch to a default theme like Storefront to check if the issue is resolved. Reactivate each plugin one by one to identify the culprit.
  • Clear Cache: Clear your website and browser cache and encourage customers to do the same.

5. Product Display Issues

Sometimes, products may not display correctly on the shop page, or they might not appear at all.


  • Incorrect product visibility settings.
  • Theme or plugin conflicts.
  • Outdated product catalog or database issues.


  • Check Product Visibility: Ensure products are marked as “Published” and not set as “Hidden” in the product settings.
  • Update WooCommerce Templates: If your theme is outdated, it may not support new WooCommerce features. Update your theme or revert to a default theme to see if the issue persists.
  • Regenerate Product Lookup Tables: Sometimes WooCommerce product lookup tables can get corrupted. Go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools and regenerate the product tables.

6. WooCommerce Stock Management Not Updating

Stock management is essential for eCommerce stores, and issues with stock levels not updating can cause confusion or lost sales.


  • Inventory settings misconfigured.
  • Product-level stock management not enabled.
  • Conflicts with caching plugins.


  • Check Inventory Settings: Ensure stock management is enabled under WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory.
  • Enable Product-Level Stock Management: In each product’s inventory settings, ensure that stock management is enabled and quantities are set correctly.
  • Disable Caching on Cart Pages: Cart, checkout, and account pages should not be cached. Use a caching plugin that allows page exclusions, such as WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache, and exclude these pages from caching.

7. WooCommerce Permalinks Not Working

Incorrect permalinks can lead to 404 errors on product and category pages, causing significant issues for your WooCommerce store.


  • Permalink structure changes.
  • Plugin or theme conflicts.
  • Corrupt .htaccess file.


  • Reset Permalinks: Go to Settings > Permalinks and simply click “Save Changes” to refresh the permalink structure.
  • Check for Plugin Conflicts: Disable all plugins except WooCommerce and re-enable them one by one to find the conflict.
  • Regenerate .htaccess File: Sometimes the .htaccess file gets corrupted. Rename the file via FTP and save the permalinks again to regenerate it.


Running a WooCommerce store comes with its fair share of challenges, but most WooCommerce issues can be resolved with proper troubleshooting. Regular updates, backups, and using WooCommerce-compatible plugins and themes can help prevent many common problems. Keep your store optimized and secure, and you’ll ensure a smooth shopping experience for your customers.

By resolving these common WooCommerce issues quickly, you can minimize disruptions to your eCommerce operations and boost customer satisfaction, leading to better conversion rates and sales.

Contact us today for expert support and ensure your site runs smoothly!